Clear Wind Publishing

Tommy Wafford


Over 14 years, 6 start-ups, 3 acquisitions, Forbes Magazine, and PC Mag articles, 2017 Best Place to Work Award, dozens of employees that became family, and even some family that became employees, Tommy Wafford is doing what he always dreamed of; training, encouraging, and teaching entrepreneurs and organization leaders all over the US and internationally how to be better leaders while embracing what makes them miraculous. His leadership lessons represent hard-fought battles that ended in both wins and losses making him a better leader. Now, Tommy hopes to empower your leadership potential through his book Beyond the Strings.


New Release.

One night, I woke up from a dead sleep and said into the dark, "Pinocchio is such a tragedy." Not able to sleep, I was struck by the thought that Pinocchio is an awful tragedy because he didn't realize he was a miracle; instead he spends the entire story trying to marginalize himself. He desperately wanted to be a "real boy" instead of realizing the supernatural phenomenon he was. He was a talking pile of sticks, after all. Pinocchio is a cautionary tale for successful leaders and entrepreneurs who want to unlock the miraculous in themselves and others.

Don't make the same mistake Pinocchio made by desiring to become "normal." Commit yourself and your miracle to the process because there are no shortcuts to fully alive dreams. When outside forces bring their abilities to bear on your behalf, you will be ready because you will have planted the seeds and participated in the process. Your dream is worth the effort you will need to bring it to pass, so commit to the process and move forward. Plant today for tomorrow's success because dreams really do come true. If you are interested in getting the miraculous out of yourself and your team, then open this book and start reading!

Coming Soon!

Lee Burns


Renowned international speaker, author, actor, and entrepreneur, Lee Burns’ accolades extend globally. Lee delivers seminars and workshops on the Game of Life and How to Win It. Inspired by his business, spirit, and life success, Lee inspires people to create and win their own games. His life’s passion is to bring proven tips and insight from his games to yours.

New Release.

What is wrong with our world today? Could a major part of it be that we have stopped talking to each other and started talking ateach other instead, or sometimes not talking at all?

If so, how would we repair it? And what would be the steps to take to restore not only our communication with each other but also our faith in and admiration of each other? And what the heck does all of that have to do with being a superhero !!!

In How to Talk to Someone... And Not Die, A Handbook for Superheroes, Lee Burns tackles these issues head on. Drawing from his nearly two decades of experience speaking to crowds that now extend globally, and his widely varied background and fields of interest, he offers playful, insightful and sometimes sobering looks at the power of communication and the potentially devastating effects of the lack of it.

In true handbook presentation, and in perfect step with the style of his seminars and workshops, the text is kept short and understandable, with many real-life examples to ensure comprehension and it includes exercises to drill in the skills that we may have lost from the battering of life in its current condition. After lots of laughing and maybe even a few tears, you may discover or recover your ability to talk to someone, once again. And perhaps even restore your own belief in the superhero powers that you possess.

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Nancy Houston


Nancy Houston is an Executive Leadership Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Sex Therapist, Speaker, and author of “Love and Sex: A Christian Guide to Healthy Intimacy.” Nancy has been in private practice for over 20 years, and has led the John Townsend Leadership Program in DFW, New York, and Oregon since 2015.

Nancy has written and developed curriculum for Next Level Leadership Groups where she leads and trains others to have a relational approach to leadership. Nancy is a former adjunct at DBU and Concordia and a fellow at the Townsend Institute at Concordia University.

Nancy received her master’s degree from Dallas Baptist University and her certification as a sex therapist from the Institute of Sexual Wholeness at Richmont Graduate University.

She has been married to the love of her life since 1974. They have four married sons and eight grandchildren who delight them to no end. Her greatest joy is in helping people live better lives.

New Release.

We have a limited view of female sexuality, and silly ideas defined by those who are simply too afraid to acknowledge its depth, meaning, and beauty have been given the power to decide what female sexuality is and what it means. --No more.

God said everything He made is good, and He made you sexual. He gave you a sexual nervous system when He wired you together in your mother's womb, and your body was designed to respond to sexual stimuli--it is good. Sadly, we have focused mostly on what is bad and because of this fear driven fact we have missed what is good. I'm not in denial, there is sexual bad. There is plenty of sexual bad, and the Bible talks bluntly about it. God doesn't pretend humans haven't used what was meant to be good, beautiful, and sacred for bad and evil. No. He tells the truth and so must we. And yet we must equally hold on to the good. Sex is sacred and beautiful and there is no greater nonverbal way of expressing love than the sharing of two bodies committed to marital bliss.

Even though sexuality isn't simplistic, I believe it is a noble battle to be fought for and a treasure worthy of being sought after. Your sexuality is a gift from God. We cannot deny, ignore, or take for granted this beautiful gift, lest it die. God made you sexual for a purpose. He has a plan. Are you willing to discover and reclaim the beauty of this mysterious gift? If you are, then I invite you to move past your pride, hurt, and prejudices, and discover all God was saying when He made you a woman.

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Jessica Tucker


Jessica Tucker is an author, speaker, and successful kingdom-centered business woman residing in Dayton, Ohio. Her leadership experience includes real estate, government, investments, and finance. Having served as a worship leader for several years, Jessica is passionate about helping people discover the joy of living submitted to God’s leading, and helping people connect with God through a heart of worship. For more information, visit

New Release.

Set Apart: Experiencing Freedom Through the Daniel Fast

Fasting is a beautiful journey with the Lord that has blessed many people. Our Lord calls us into a life-giving relationship with Him, and through fasting we are able to lay aside the things that keep us from an intimate relationship with the Lord. Daniel provides an example of consecration-the setting apart of oneself--that will empower you to experience greater freedom.

Daniel's obedience, courage, and discipline are a picture of a heart yielded to God and a person who wants to express their love of God through action. A submitted heart leads to a submitted life.

We serve a God of creativity and wonder. Any answer you are seeking, He has it. Any solution you need, He has already set up. Any wound you have, He has the salve, and through your submission to Him during the Daniel Fast you will experience freedom and victory in every area of your life.

This book will be a tool you can use to guide you in the practice of fasting and the Daniel Fast, while leading you to greater love for, and intimacy with, the Lord. Through the Daniel Fast, your desire for Him will increase and be greater than any other desire you have for anything or anyone else. As you embark on your journey with the Daniel Fast, you will never be the same!

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Larry & Marion Pollard


Larry and Marion established their ministry, Comfort Ye My People, to minister God’s word through prayer, with passion and sincerity, to those who are hurting from abuse, traumas, pains of life, and spiritual oppression. Over the years of the Lord’s mentorship, study of the Scriptures, and experience, they have formulated groups of prayers to bring freedom and deliverance to the thousands of people in need of prayer that God has brought to them.

Featured in D Magazine “The Exorcists Next Door” and in a Vimeo documentary titled The Texas Exorcists, Larry and Marion continue to pursue their passion to bring individuals to a loving relationship with the Lord and to freedom through deliverance and prayer.

Larry and Marion live in Arlington, Texas, near their four believing children and their spouses and grandchildren.

New Release.

Jesus 911: Effective Prayers to Reclaim Your Life is not another book to teach you about prayer. This book contains proven, effective prayers to help you reclaim the life God planned for you. God loves and cares for you! He is merciful, kind, and forgiving. It is Satan who has schemed, stolen, and tormented you with demons, devils, and evil spirits. Curses and trauma have been used against you and your family. 
This book provides you with key words and questions to help identify curses, sins, ungodly soul ties, and unforgiveness. These prayers of authority, protection, and submission will build your confidence while allowing God to completely heal and redeem you. 
Through God’s miracle working power you will gain strength, build your faith, and recognize that your victory comes from Jesus and His greatness. 

In times of earthly crisis, call 911 and the person who answers will direct your call.
In times of spiritual crisis call Jesus 911! He knows exactly what you need and He will answer your call.

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Deborah Dutton


Deborah Dutton is the author of “I Made the Rainbow,” which debuted at #17 for women’s issues on Amazon’s Hot New Releases chart. She is also an award-winning interior designer, author, speaker, and life coach. She has been married to the love of her life, Terry, for over forty years. Together, they have raised three daughters.

She enjoys cooking and being grammie to five amazing grandchildren. Her writing empowers readers to think in a new, colorful perspective. With over thirty years of experience in the interior design industry, Deborah’s passion for elevating and encouraging women to embrace living in color will affect and change your home and relationships. For more information, visit

New Release.

Our lives and our homes are like coloring a picture. By design, God has given each of us a picture to color; however, without purposeful design and clearly defined boundaries our lives, like a picture, may end up looking muddled and unfocused. Through her book I Made the Rainbow: A Fresh Design Perspective From The Heart To The Home, Deborah Dutton inspires women to intentionally design their lives and their homes through a combination of practical home design concepts and life—coaching with thought—provoking reflections.

Journeying through the colors of the rainbow, I Made The Rainbow explores each color, one-by-one, in order to conceptually paint the emotion, image, and representation of that color and its significance to the home.

In I Made the Rainbow, Deborah shines as a mentor as she combines her professional experience, personal perspective, and passionate faith to teach us how to do more than make our environments beautiful. Your home is destined to be a place of peace, love, and beauty! Let’s invite God to infuse His color into our hearts, homes, and families!

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Michelle Feagin


Michelle Feagin has been a Houston resident since 1982 and a member of the Ascension Episcopal Church. She served on the Vestry and leads the Outreach committee and the Sunday prayer team. She also volunteers with their sponsored charities, including West Houston Area Ministries (WHAM), the Houston Food Pantry, and Mission of Yahweh.


Michelle has been blessed with three sons and four grandchildren. Most of her free time is spent enjoying her grandkids. She also enjoys jigsaw puzzles, cards, walking with her dogs, fishing, camping, and movies.

Michelle’s key to success is focusing on listening to the questions and concerns of others. God gives us two ears and one mouth for a reason. She believes that faith and humor are the keys to working through any situation.


New Release.

If you stop for a moment and silence all the outside distractions, you will notice God's loving involvement in every detail of your life and the string of breadcrumbs He spreads to you each day. At least, this is what happened for Michelle. It was just another ordinary March day until God began dropping breadcrumbs from heaven and leading her down a path she never dreamed of, and it all started with a baby afghan and a phone call.

During Michelle and Charlie's four-year struggle to adopt three boys, their string of breadcrumbs made the manna in the desert look like an ant hill. God placed each person in their path, which led to the next one, ready to run their leg of the race. Throughout the pages of this book, you will witness the beauty of God's relentless, hopeful love that helped reconcile three boys to their culture and First Nations community and to their new, loving family. Read along and follow the breadcrumbs. I promise you they are there, and who knows where the path might lead you on your own adventure! Are you ready to follow the trail?

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Christi Robertson


Christi Robertson was encouraged by her professors, friends, and family to publish her creative writing pieces, while taking creative writing classes in college. However, it wasn’t until many years later while teaching her own students how to write that The Black Hole came to life. Christi encourages all her students to find the joy in writing, reading, and taking their minds to places they have never been before. Christi invites young writers and readers to take a leap of faith and travel into the darkness because you never know what amazing adventures might be waiting when you stumble into the light.

Author of, “The Black Hole.” Click the link to order now.

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